You may have wondered why you had not heard from The Euesdens for a couple of weeks – well the reason is we have been on the road – en masse to the South of France.
It is, let me tell you, no easy feat travelling 1800 kms with 4 dogs in tow. I feel more like Billy Smart and his Flying Circus.
We had to prepare our house for guests prior to leaving – no easy task I promise you – MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
Find a suitable vehicle for live stock and wardrobe – bring the mobile office and all necessary accessories; a very packed to the gunnels Vito (clever people those Germans) they make a vehicle to suit every occasion – MISSION ACCOMPLISHED
After a very long hard journey we finally made it to Cannes on the Cote D”Azure only to find that our partners in crime – the in laws or should that be my out laws were stuck in Blighty due the volcanic ash.They finally arrived on Wednesday – a little frazzled around the edges but here to assist – so all family en masse ready for business – MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
So now I hear you ask dear reader why have they done all this – what mission are they over there to accomplish.Well sorry to say that one of the things that I forgot to pack was a long life dongle – if you do not know what this is – do not worry – you are missing nothing – I can assure you.
However it does mean I cannot go on any further as I am timing out.
So you will have to read the next blog to find out what adventures we are up to whilst over here. Until then it is Goodnight from Him – Goodnight from her and a very Goodnight from the rest of the clan.