As most people who know us are aware Tuesday and Wednesday nights are the most fraught of the week in the Euesden household.
These are the times that we send all of our five publications to the printers and really should not be called deadline times but more aptly named on our part at least brain-dead times.
We seem to sit at these computers for endless hours – what did we do before laptops where invented? – drinking copious pots of tea as supplied by our lovely lady of the house Irene.
The funniest thing is that our furry family of four – Sasha the Samoyed – Dennis, Doris and Percy Mouse know that on these days tempers are frayed and so just sit peacefully by our feet hour by endless hour – not a bark in them.
It is amazing how they know that they need to be placid paper pooches yet come Thursday morning off they go tails a wagging – chasing birds – yapping – playing – fighting.
Funny though how none of us have got a wag or a chase or a yap or a play left in us never mind a fight.
So tonight will have to be a quick, fast wham bam thank you mam blog as we have now got phones ringing, e-mails backing up, pages to be looked at; but ask us if we are complaining and the answer is a great big NO – we love it.
Obama said we CAN – the Euesdens say we WILL and that is what we DO – we ALL work our socks off to bring you the biggest and best English language newspaper in Spain.
So it is goodnight and God Bless from the Euesdens – furry and otherwise.
Do not forget to pick up your local Euroweekly on Thursday morning; it is brought to you with love.